JavaScript Overview

JavaScript Overview

 At this point of Time, HTML web sites were all form and no function. An website did need some sort of retrieving a piece of data that you searched for. The website had to send requests to the data server and it was in the data server where the computation and business logic happened and then It would return the webpage that connected the new data.

 Team at netscape wanted something a little bit difficult. They envisioned a future where the web was more dynamic with animations and real time user interaction. In order to enable this, you have to take away the server and have the code to be able to run on the browser so they needed a small scripting language. This language had to be simple and easy.

 So They met Brendan Eich to create that programming language. eventually he made javascript only in 10 days. Holy moly.

  • Java : Compiled Language
  • Javascript : Interpreted Language
  • Compiled Language : All executed after compiled from compiler.
  • Interpreted Language : Executes all the instructions line by line so slow.

so People thought Interpreted Languages are slow and inefficient. but Modern javascript is even used in backend from frontend.