Beginning of Web Development Bootcamp by AppBrewery

Beginning of Web Development Bootcamp by AppBrewery

Online Class


< The picture of Asan Traditional village in South Korea >

I'm a college student from South Korea and Also Korean and I have only one semester left. my major is Computer Science.


Maybe People could ask me "why you do coding bootCamp even though you are already in Computer Science".


My School's education curriculum is focused on projects. so I have been working on my projects once a semester and Most of my projects have been based on web including frontend and backend.


Whenever I was working on my projects, I was asking this question to myself "Am I coding web correctly?"

Of course I'm super interested in web development. Except of this ordinary reason, The reason why I felt this feeling is because I have been making softwares(Android app, web, desktop,etc...) for projects by self-taught. I even haven't learnt making web from my professors and college. They only let me know the fundemental Computer Science Knowledges. so I've been wanting to check up whether I'm correct coding or not and also I've been wanting to review what I have self-taught.

image.png I'll blog all what I'm doing and what I have been doing...

Let's deep into Web Development Together!